Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 17, 2007
If we can make it there, we'll make it anywhere...
No, I'm not talking about New York (though I guess we have made it here) but even more challenging was making it here, to December 17th - through four months of full-time work in New York and full-time school in Philly on top of adjusting to the married life. I of course had the "easier" part of the job with only a supporting role and maintaining my own responsibilities of work, seminary, and wife (I think defining myself as a wife makes me sound at least 10 years older than I am), but if it was hard for me, I can only imagine how much harder it all was for Brett. BUT, Brett is currently in his FINAL final of his undergrad career! I couldn't be more proud of him, my UPenn grad!
He has done an amazing job juggling everything and though it's been rough, it's over! We are definitely looking forward to a fun 8 days together in Italy and a school-free 2008! In the meantime, I think we'll enjoy a dinner together (which are few and far between as of late) tonight and an evening free of studying for school or prepping for seminary!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Belated Birthday, Early Christmas

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas Party at Spotlight!
Robert (my old boss when I worked on Goldfish) and I

Monday, December 10, 2007
My twin is getting married!

For the first three years of college Mary, Kim, Margi, Jenny, Kristi and I were all roommates. We had so much fun together and shared many memories. Saturday night three of us were able to get together. We spent a bit with Kim and her little kiddies. It was so good to be all together again. Now hopefully someday soon we can get everyone together!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Christmas, Christmas time is here!

Stay tuned for another Christmas post displaying the rest of our Christmas'ed out studio.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
From the mouths of babes
Courtesy of Reader's Digest:
I was telling my three boys the story of the Nativity and how the Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the infant Jesus. Clearly giving it a lot of thought, my six-year-old observed, "Mom, a Wise Woman would have brought diapers."--Angie Flaute
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Gibson Family 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Our First Thanksgiving
Baking with the family (oh how I miss this). I made pie crusts for the first time in my life (they turned out rather well if I do say so myself). Vance is the quite the baker there with his apple pie complete with an apple shaped piece of pie crust on the top.
Quiet time to relax and read with family (and pose for a picture in between). Note: Brett pointed out that his book looked harder than the kids' books...Brett, look at you all grown up and reading big kids books!
Going back to the simple life and entertaining oneself with children's toys...Brett was mesmorized by the magnetic color maze (Eve and Anna seemed to be quite into it as well).
Brett was so proud of himself he had to take a picture of his completed maze! I'm definitely grateful for a husband that has such skill :)
Persistence to not just follow through once, but a second time.
Our physical well-being that allows us to enjoy a good ole turkey bowl to work up an appetitie for the delectable dinner that awaits.
Here's the team of "young" guys planning their strategy. Brett was drawing the plays in the grass with a stick.
And here they all all ready to kick some trash after half time.
The whole gang - 1 dad, 1 son, 5 sons-in-law, 1 grandson.
Check out Brett's pass...Riley almost had him, but not quite.
For cute little girls like Tessa that just put a smile on your face every time you see them!
For all of the yummy food - especially these pies (I had a sliver of just about all of them...mmmm)! I mean really, God could have made food bland so that we would just eat to survive, but out of his love for us, he let us enjoy delicious tastes - sweet and savory.

For Angie and all the time, effort and love that she put in our Christmas tree quilt. And for Riley for letting me teach him how to tie a quilt.

Honestly, at this point in my life (just like at any other moment) I have so much to be grateful for. I definitely feel blessed that Brett and I were both raised in homes with good, loving parents who taught us well. And the fact that they created homes in which their children would want to always return and spend time with one another. I'm grateful to live in a country that affords me so much freedom. I'm so incredibly blessed with the best friends I could ask for. I cherish the memories I've shared with you whether our paths have briefly crossed or we've shared many a day together. Most of all, I'm thankful for a loving husband who is so good to me, never gives up on me, accepts me for who I am, helps me as I journey to become all that I hope, inspires me, teaches me and just plain loves me. What a beauty that we have an eternity to spend growing together!
Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Desperate search for love...

Monday, November 12, 2007
An Abundance of Updates
Just for fun, here's a re-cap of the last week.
Last Monday: Worked late, as always. Ran home to finish making "Heavenly Tidibits" to give to some co-workers in appreciation for all they'd taught me in the past year. Stayed up way too late, but hey, I knew there was an end in sight. And after all, I wanted to leave a good taste in their mouths :)

This is Ladies Row! All seven us of along this row were female and came to be known as Ladies Row. Luckily my replacement is a girl, so the legacy can live on :) I am in the way back...I posted the picture with my friends more in the forefront since you all know what I look like. I miss those girls!

Last Saturday: Brett and I spent the day together. He found out that since Monday was Veteran's Day and the bond market was closed, he had a half day Friday and all of Monday off. So, he worked a little longer on Friday so he wouldn't have to go in again until Tuesday (though he did have to go in tonight unfortunately for a last minute thing that came up). The highlight of the day was going to the Chocolate Festival. It was a three day event here in the city where a bunch of chocolate vendors from all over the world set up booths and handed out free samples. We tried a little bit of everything and oh my were we ever chocolated out by the end of that! We tried some of the best (and worst) chocolate! To all you chocolate lovers: if you come out here for the festival next year, I'll be happy to join you (I think by then I'll like chocolate again)! Brett and I each picked our favorite thing and bought some to savor once the chocolate hangover had passed :)
This is the pure white chocolate Statue of Liberty...mmm, tasty!

I have been eyeing this jacket for a long time! I've seen it in the window at J. Crew and online. I've looked at it almost daily (ok, maybe more like weekly) for the past few months hoping that it would go on sale. The high price wasn't budging, so I was beginning to come to grips with the fact that I might never find it in my closet. The jacket had a different plan :) Thanks to the J. Crew outlet, my jacket and I have been united! It was on sale at the outlet plus when I paid for it there was an additional 30% off. Talk about a deal! I left that store very happy!
I had also been eyeing this headband (in a different pattern) and got a killer deal on it as well. I love you J. Crew outlet!
Just getting ready to heat up the lobsters. I really didn't think they were disgusting but had to make some kind of a face for the picture.