Monday, March 03, 2008

Living my dream

It is currently 9:15pm. Unfortunately I'm still here at the office and Brett is still working away at his. I'm on my 13th hour of work; he's finishing out his 15th. And, I just got called into a meeting... Talk about the city that never sleeps...because they never stop working! Though, to be fair, this job has actually allowed me to have free-er evenings than at my last agency. Most days I can count on being off by 6:30 (except for the upcoming two weeks). As for Brett, well, that's a different story!

This is the life Brett and I both dreamed of. But somedays, dreams aren't as glamorous as they seem.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Wow! Reality is really tough. I can so relate. I just thought the other day that here I am, and I am married so that I get to see my husband after 27 years of marriage for maybe 10 min a day some days. Ah well, I do love that man of mine!