Colton Brett
Born: November 23, 2011 at 1:14am
Weight: 9 pounds 9 ounces
Height: 22 inches
APGAR: 9/9
Here's a little sampling of pictures from the experience of welcoming our newest addition...
All settled in to the hospital |
Brand New |
Mommy/Son Bonding right after delivery |
Dr, Colton and Kris (aka 'My Beautiful Mormon' as nicknamed by her Jewish Dr) |
Father/Son Bonding |
Meeting Big Sister |
Info on our name selection:
Deciding on a name has been a struggle this time around. We’ve gone back and forth countless times. We wanted a two syllable name but one that could be shortened. We also wanted a name that was common enough but wouldn’t put him as one of five boys with the same name in his classes at school. A while back, we stumbled upon the name Colton and fell in love with it immediately. We also loved that we could shorten it to Cole. Cole had been at the top of our list for a while and when we realized that Cole is a short form Kris’ maiden name, we liked it even more.
Brett is obviously a family name, a nod to both the baby’s father and past generations. For the first-born son, bestowing the name of the father as the middle name is a family tradition dating back four generations.
Quick Recap of Colton’s entrance:
Our Baby Story (lasting 4 hours 59 minutes in the hospital)
Background: The due date had come and passed, as had Kris’ patience. With every passing day it seemed as though baby would never make his entry, somehow preferring his mother’s womb to the cruel world. Given the estimated size of the baby (a growth scan had estimated 8 lb 15 oz on Nov 4), the Dr was concerned and wanted to get the baby out as soon as possible. Based on commentary from the Dr, we had every expectation of delivering in early to mid-November. But the days kept going by and Kris wasn’t progressing on her own. We had been to the doctor on the 14th, the 16th, the 18th, and the 21st, with each appointment yielding a similar conclusion: the baby was big but Kris was not ready. But the morning of the 22nd felt different (at least for Brett; Kris did not want to get her hopes up). We now pick up the recounting on the morning of the 22nd, and continue to the end as it unfolded.
9:15a: Ultrasound Growth Scan to check baby’s size. Baby measuring 9 lb 11 oz, big head, long femur, normal belly.
11:15a: Dr appointment. Stripped membranes, told us to eat pasta, go home and make our last minute baby preparations, take Castor Oil at 4:00p and come back at 5:00p. Hopefully tonight was the night!
5:00p: Dr appointment. Stripped membranes again, 3 cm dilated, ~50% effaced. Told us to take more Castor Oil, get donuts/treats for nurses, call him at 7:15p, and be in hospital shortly thereafter (just after the nurses change shifts). Brett thinks Dr is joking about the treats. Dr assures us that he is not.
5:30p: Walked home from the Dr’s office (~1.6 miles) in the pouring rain, Kris having strong contractions 3-5 minutes apart the entire way. Stopped at Crumbs for mini cupcakes for the nurses.
6:30p: Came home to eat dessert with Sadie, Kris showers, blow dries hair, and puts on make-up.
8:15p: Admitted to hospital, nurses love the Crumbs mini cupcakes.
8:45p: Resident checks Kris, 4 cm, 50% effaced.
9:47p: Dr arrives to check Kris, measuring the same, breaks water.
10:30p: Contractions starting to get more intense. Pain now at a 7/10 for Kris.
11:00p: Kris gets a quick visit from a friend working in another wing of the hospital. A nice distraction. Kris holds a conversation through the contractions.
11:15p: Dr checks Kris, measuring the same. Recommends epidural, Kris says no.
12:52a: Contractions have become very strong over the last 1.5 hours. Pain now at a 10/10. Kris doing a great job. Kris now wants to know where she's measuring. Is adamant about getting the Dr to check her. Brett encourages her to wait for the doctor to come in on his own and assures her that she can do it.
12:55a: Dr comes back (on his own) to check Kris, measuring 6 cm, still partially effaced. Says Kris is progressing, though a little slower than he would like, recommends an epidural, stating that he does not believe it would slow down the process. Says he hates to see Kris in this much pain.
12:57a: After letting the Dr leave the room, Kris declares that she wants an epidural (thinking she still had various hours of hard labor ahead of her), is very adamant. Brett pushes back based on Kris’ birthing plan, but eventually agrees to get Dr.
12:59a: Brett runs out to get Dr in Doctor's lounge, says "she wants it". Dr says "I think that's a wise decision" and runs to get anesthesiologist.
1:01a: Anesthesiologist comes in to go over epidural procedure, says he needs to look at labs and will be back in about 5 minutes.
1:07a: Contractions intensifying, Kris starts feeling an extraordinary amount of pressure, exclaims that she needs to push. Brett runs to get Dr and says "she says she needs to push". Dr immediately comes and calls to get "Kristi" the nurse. Other nurse says "who's Kristi?" (her name was Kristyn) and Dr says "just get me a nurse".
1:08a: Doctor comes in and calmly says "now let's see if she's fooling us". Checks Kris and says she's at 10 cm and can be ready to push, but this needs to be a “controlled” push. Frantically calls to get another doctor in the room in case of shoulder distortia since baby is expected to be so big. Anesthesiologist had walked in the door just after Dr, leaving shortly thereafter without administering the epidural (obviously).
1:14a: Baby born after ~5 minutes of pushing. Kris did an amazing job! 9 pounds, 9 ounces (95th percentile), 22 inches (>97th percentile).
After everything calmed down around 4:00a, Brett went to the Nursery to look at the new baby and ask the nurse if they had the chance to measure him. The nurse says: “he was 22 inches, you hit the jackpot!” And that’s exactly how we feel. We hit the jackpot and are excited to announce the entrance of Colton Brett into our family. We are so very thankful for a safe delivery and good experience as we welcomed this new little/big guy into the world. And Sadie is thankful to finally have this baby brother she’s been hearing about for so long. An easy Thanksgiving for counting our many blessings – both old and new.