Thursday, May 08, 2008

Bermuda: Day Two

Yes, there was a day two and three and I'm just getting around to posting (though to my credit, the baby news and moving chaos took some serious precedence). I think an appropriate title for day two would have to be: Pioneer children sang as they WALKED and WALKED and WALKED and WALKED! Yes, I did catch myself singing that throughout the day as my little (by little I mean long) legs were getting mighty tired. I thought NYC provided sufficient walking to prep me for any day filled with walking, but I was wrong. Anyway, we had lots of fun exploring the island.

We successfully found the church in an attempt to see the first session of conference, but to no avail. The cable company didn't switch over to the right station and the guy who knew how to do it wasn't in, so after an hour we all gave up (there were about 8 of us there) and we headed to sight-see.

Brett had seen ads for these caves and was anxious to check them out. They were conveniently located right next to the church. We toured Fantasy Cave where Brett learned the difference between stalagtites and stalagmites.
It sure was beautiful inside!
This is what they call a 'chandeleir' - can't imagine why!
I loved being among palm trees again. It reminds me of Alamo (a street in good ole Simi Valley). I particularly liked the topless gave us a good laugh. But really, where did all the leaves go?
He was so good to me and carried the bag pretty much the entire trip!
Walking to the bus stop...
Waiting for the bus...Overlooking Tobacco Bay
Looking out from Fort St. Catherine
Self portrait
Giving a little attitude outside of Fort St. Catherine after finding out that we had walked all that way only to find it was closed.
I just couldn't get enough of these views...the water is so very clear...
Saw these cute little guys on the side of the road and just wanted to take them home with me...a picture had to suffice.
The trek back to the bus. Honestly who knew that things would seem so far away on such a small island!
City Hall...what a cute building!
And that's day two for you. I didn't get any good pictures of the dinners we went to because I always forgot to bring the camera along. I actually think that for day two we ordered in and watched the semi final games of March Madness.

Day three to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a great trip! -k