There are some awesome Santas around the city, but every year we make it a point to get to Macy's Santaland. We've been every year since Sadie was born. And, we've figured out the system to avoid the insane crowds. We got ready bright and early this morning to beat the crowds and arrived just after Santaland opened. We waited for maybe 15 minutes all that while enjoying the walk through the North Pole. We were taken to our room (there are lots of Santas in Santaland) and waited forever while the family in front of us tried to get the elves to get a perfect picture of their baby girl with Santa for her first Christmas. The elves were surprisingly nice about letting them take their time. Probably because they knew that this family would be buying their photo package. When our turn came, the elves were cordial but knew we weren't giving them any more business given that we came in with our camera (a better one than theirs) and external flashes to take our own photos after they did theirs. I had no expectations this year given that last year Sadie wouldn't go near Santa unless I was sitting there with her and she could sit on MY lap and Colton is going through a very clingy/separation anxiety phase. They both pleasantly surprised me and actually sat with him. Sadie was pretty stiff the entire time (see pictures). Colton was a bit curious and did fine. No smiles from either of them, but no tears either. Sadie was too shy to tell Santa what she wanted so I told him (she wants a toaster for her kitchen) and she then quickly turned to him and said, "Colton wants blocks!" I'll call the whole experience a smashing success! After Santa, we went to the Virginia puppet show Macy's puts on, walked up through Bryant Park, grabbed some lunch and then headed to Grand Central to catch the subway home. I love New York at this time of year. Everything is so festive. And spirits really are brighter.
Your kids are looking so grown up and they are so ridiculously cute! NYC at Christmastime seems magical. :)
Cute. Impressive that they didn't cry! That first picture with Santa, it is Santa who looks shell-shocked! Funny!
I don't know what happened with Santa in that first picture but he sure looked surprised. I was laughing so much.
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