Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Proposal

Here’s the story. I started work on Wednesday (FYI: at an ad agency in the city working for the Pepperidge Farm account…yum, lots of free cookies and goldfish), so yesterday I was working. Brett had told me that he was going to come up to see me and spend the weekend with me. He met me at work and from there it all began. We proceeded to take the subway from Grand Central Station to the Upper East Side, where we began. Both Brett and I lived on the Upper East Side this summer when we met, so we returned to our roots. We went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant that Brett and I had gone to for one of our first dates (which is another cute story). At dinner we reminisced about our first months together and once again Brett took one for the team and ate sushi. It had started to rain on the way to dinner, so we snuggled under my umbrella. After dinner it was raining a little harder, but that didn’t foil Brett’s plans one bit. We proceeded to walk to the East River—I had never been there, but Brett had walked there after I left NYC in August and told me that he wanted to take me there (and that he did). We went to a bench on the river which has significant meaning to us. We sat on that bench huddled under the umbrella and Brett proceeded to tell me the significance of the spot as well as when it was that he knew I was “the one” (I like the sound of that, it makes me seem really special and important). It was adorable and my, did he do a great job with his words. I’ll spare you all from the gushiness of it all, although I didn’t find it to be at all gushy J Then he played his Rook card and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him (in the rain and all--the rain was actually a nice bonus because it meant that we were alone on the East River, no one to ruin the moment). I paused for a second, trying to think of something witty to say, but after a few seconds I said, “Of course I will! Yes!” He put the ring on my finger and from there we just shared a few more moments together. It was so romantic. I LOVE the ring almost as much as I love Brett, he did a great job. It sparkles so much and makes me feel worth a million dollars. Boy am I the luckiest girl in the world!

Check out some pictures of the ring and of us.

1 comment:

The Tylkas said...

The ring is beautiful! Good job Brett! Where did he get it?