Sadie had so much fun at her birthday party. She was very friendly, making the rounds from guest to guest (whomever had goldfish or watermelon to share, of course). She was extremely neat, clean and dainty with her cake - just like a little lady should be. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us (and a big thanks to my friend Hayden who made the beautiful cake)!
We enjoyed some of Sadie's favorite foods...

Happy Birthday Sadie Bear!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
One year ago today...
...Brett and I awoke oblivious to the fact that this day we would embark on a new journey together - the journey of parenthood.
...I was fully planning to go into work....I suddenly awakened when my water broke (thank goodness it was 6:30am in bed and not 9:30am on the subway).
...we spent the day in a hospital room overlooking Central Park.
...we (read Brett) watched the presidential debate between contractions.
...I learned the meaning of pain and endurance.
...we didn't know what sleep deprived meant. appreciation for my parents exponentially increased.
...the most beautiful little girl graced us with her presence (and she grows more beautiful by the day).
...I held MY little girl in my arms for the very first time and fell instantly in love. the end of the night, within an hour of Sadie's arrival, I said what I swore during the first trimester of pregnancy and the roughest point of labor I would never say - you really do forget and it really is all worth it.
...the focus of my concern instantaneously shifted to the little life that was sent to me.
...I began to understand why my mom worried so much for me.
...our lives were forever changed - the best kind of change one could ask for.
...we had no idea just how much joy little Sadie would bring into our lives!
Happy 1st Birthday Sadie Grace! We love you and couldn't imagine life without you!

*all ready to open her presents!

* Opening her presents from her California cousins via Google Video
Friday, August 07, 2009
Perfect 10 Months Old!
Monday, July 06, 2009
Fourth 4th!
Brett and I are quite fond of the 4th given that it is the day we met. This year did not disappoint. We spent a lovely morning in Central Park with friends from our church. Then spent a leisurely afternoon at home enjoying family time before heading to Pier 84 to meet some friends (and hundreds of thousands of others) and watch the Macy's fireworks on the Hudson.
Sadie had lots of fun crawling all over the blanket and just hanging out for a few hours before the show. She was, however, anxious for the fireworks.
We had a fantastic view of the show - three barges to the south, one directly in front of us and two to the north. It was incredible - a glorified baby Einstein for Sadie! She was mesmerized by all the lights in the sky (picture to come).

And for the grandparents, some pictures of the little one. I just loved this picture - she was getting her charm on for the camera :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Geff and Carol in the house: part 1
We were lucky enough to enjoy the company of Brett's parents for almost 2 weeks. They originally planned to come so that Brett and Geff could attend the U.S. Open (golf, not tennis) at Beth Page in Long Island. We convinced them to come early to hang out with Sadie while Rachael was out of town. We had SO much fun and Sadie saved up her new tricks to debut while they were here. Here's a sampling of what we did.

I let Sadie try some of the not-so-reasonably priced, less-than-healthy stadium food (yes, what a great mom...go ahead, judge away). She loves her some french fry.

It wouldn't be a true birthday without some of the famous fudge frosting. Beautiful (and tasty) job on the cake Carol. Happy Birthday Geff!
Sadie enjoyed many a nap in her stroller. She's a perfect urban baby - loves being out and about and can fall asleep through anything.
We surprised Geff with a birthday celebration at his first (and Sadie's first) Yankee game (and our first time in the new stadium).
I let Sadie try some of the not-so-reasonably priced, less-than-healthy stadium food (yes, what a great mom...go ahead, judge away). She loves her some french fry.
The Yankees won! After every game they play 'New York, New York' over the loud speakers. Geff and Carol were dancing and singing. We managed to catch a smile though.
It wouldn't be a true birthday without some of the famous fudge frosting. Beautiful (and tasty) job on the cake Carol. Happy Birthday Geff!
We introduced blueberries to the think she enjoyed them?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sadie's Crib!
We've had the room finished for quite some time, but haven't managed to get the pictures posted. We live in what is called a railroad apartment with two entrances (one into our bedroom and one into the family room). Sadie's room is between our room and the hallway that leads to the rest of the apartment. Without further adieu, I give you Sadie's little room.

Thursday, May 07, 2009
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 months!
Sadie and I celebrated her 7 month birthday tonight with a cupcake for every month. Daddy was sad that he had to miss out since he was working late. At seven months Sadie is about 16 1/2 pounds (good thing they don't document my weight every birthday) and is getting ready to scoot around. We're enjoying the last weeks of immobile Sadie before we have to baby proof and watch her every move.
Happy 7 months Sadie, we love you!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Sleeping Beauty
Sadie has recently graduated to sleeping unswaddled and has since taken an increased liking to her musical seahorse that cousin Brenna gave her for Christmas (thanks Brenna!). It is so cute to watch her hold on to the mane (do seahorses have manes?) and the little fins. She cuddles that or the edge of her blanket and drifts off to sleep. This is how I found her the last night and couldn't resist snapping a picture!
Monday, April 27, 2009
I'm slowly working on updates...keep checking back for links to new posts.
Sadie at 6 months
Conference Weekend
Sadie at 6 months
Conference Weekend
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sadie at Six Months
At our appointment earlier today the doctor was very pleased. She's finally getting over her reflux issues (thank goodness for a lot less spit laundry piles up much more slowly) and subsequent trouble with weight gain. Her stats are:
Weight: 14lb 12 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (75th percentile)
Cuteness: 200th percentile
At six months Sadie:
- rolls over the minute you set her down
- is an expert at blowing bubbles
- can sit up like a pro
- gives Rachael the best smiles when she gets here in the morning
- won't let mom out of her sight once I get home in the evening
- absolutely loves her bath time
- enjoys being out and about in her city
- loves watching her Baby Einstein videos (when I try to flip back to my shows she lets me know that she is less than pleased with it)
- likes to swing at the park
- loves when people sing to her
For her six month birthday we let her try a little rice cereal. She thought she was hot stuff eating like all the big people and wanted to help!
But then she realized that the rice cereal wasn't nearly as good as all the tasty stuff mom and dad eat in front her!
Happy 1/2 birthday Sadie Bear! We love you!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Conference Weekend
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Feliz Cumplemeses!
Sadie hit her four-month mark on Saturday and my, oh my, did she celebrate. To start off her big day, she woke up to a rousing rendition of 'Feliz Cumplemeses.' After a morning of play, she took a two hour fifteen minute nap in her crib (she's not a long napper, anything more than 45 minutes is a miracle) before she and her friend Wyatt headed down to check out Momofuku Milk Bar in the East Village (and maybe Veniero's too). She and Wyatt requested that we stop by Babies R Us to pick up a few baby essentials - Sadie tried to persuade me to buy her a new toy, but we settled on a Space Saver High Chair instead.
Sadie headed home to hang out with mom and dad for the night. She requested an evening of chilling in her new high chair, pizza (flavored milk that is) and of course the treats she brought back from Veniero's.
Sadie headed home to hang out with mom and dad for the night. She requested an evening of chilling in her new high chair, pizza (flavored milk that is) and of course the treats she brought back from Veniero's.
1 'raspberry cheesecake...mmm'
2 'thanks mom and dad, it looks delicious'
3 practicing blowing out the candles
this is what happened when we took her little cheesecake away...
that's better!
Yesterday we took her to the doctor to check in on her four month stats:Height: 25 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 11 lb 14 oz (10th percentile)She's very tall and thin...wonder where she gets that from? A clean bill of health for our little bearsy!
(Note: She got a few more shots and it just broke my heart more than last time...I wanted to take her to ice cream to make it all better...maybe when she gets her one year shots!)
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